Monday, February 28, 2011

Accidental Missionary

Our most important mission fields are the ones we accidentally come across; for the simple reason that these are the places and times that we have no hand in orchestrating. That accidental conversation brought about by a detour taken on a whim, often seemingly foolish!

So here I sit, just having had exactly such a conversation and knowing that the information I received through it was not given to me for my benefit, but entrusted to me for stewarding. While I can do nothing about it physically, I can pray and that is what I did as I walked from the mall to 2nd Avenue..... It's been a while since I used my apostle ponies....!! But here I am, car-less, but full of hope and joy, knowing that because of my car-lessness God can use me in a way that might not have been possible with a car.... ;o)

Being on terra firma instead of rolling along in a bubble on wheels opens one up to so many things we otherwise miss. I find myself in a position of vulnerability that I never experience in that bubble on wheels and it is humbling to realise that all over the city, the country, the world, there are people experiencing that same vulnerability on a daily basis! As I walked the shadows of what could possibly "happen to me" clouded my view of the sunrise, until God reminded me that I have a huge, shining, beautiful angel on either side of me!! So I linked arms with them and continued with an extra spring in my step!

Oh, that we would realise our dependence on Christ's protection and power and life!! So here go me and my angels again... We have a lot to do today.... ;o

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