Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Open Hearts... Open Doors...

It is true what Proverbs states: "Commit your works to the Lord,
And your thoughts will be established." (Proverbs 16:3) and: "In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths." (Proverbs 3:6)

I have had the immeasurable privilege of reaching out to CUT Residence House Committees through a Team-Building opportunity and by simply keeping contact with the young leaders on their own turf, CUT Campus! I was blown away by the wisdom and desire for change and renewal that they displayed. With leaders like these, our country is in safe hands!

More Team-Building Workshops are on the cards for later in the month, so prayers will be very welcome. All leaders need a vision and a mission, founded on good solid values. Pray that they will be open to facilitation.

All glory to God for opening doors for us into the CUT Campus and for opening these youngsters' hearts to us. Please pray that He will lead and guide us in making God-honouring, God-fearing Disciples of the CUT Leaders.

My prayer is that their walk with God will deepen and that they will be ambassadors for Christ in their Residences, on their Campus and eventually in their communities, making Disciples, raising leaders and planting churches, to honour God and advance His Kingdom!! I pray that I will be an instrument in God's hand. One that He may use to guide and direct these young leaders into the plan He has with their lives!


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