Wednesday, September 2, 2015


There are times when nothing makes much sense. It's as though you are out on the battle field in WWII and the telegrams are coming through, but somewhere the morse code and the gunfire got mixed up and you have half completed and indecipherable messages. You have no real way of knowing what to prepare for or plan for... there's a word for it: Limbo.


Unless you know the One Who is Omniscient. All knowing.

Not that He is going to tell you everything. He's not your glorified GPS or Wikipedia.

The fact, or the Truth, that He knows everything simply means that you can rest assured that He will make all things work together for your good. Not your comfort, mind you, but your good. As far as you are walking in the purposes He called you to. And the main one being: to love Him.

If this is the case, there is a different word for it: Faith.

People have attached all sorts of meanings to the word faith, mostly inadvertently. The way we lable something usually has more to do with what our innermost being would like it to be than what we cognitively decide it should be.

Faith is NOT:

  • positive thinking
  • a shopping list
  • a Christmas wishlist
  • a means to an end
  • a belief system
  • a crutch
Faith IS:
  • Believing that God IS and that He rewards those who diligently seek HIM.
  • all about Him.
So here I am. Faced with imminent success. Dreams starting to come true all over the place and scared out of my wits, not knowing when to strike... is the iron hot?? Really hot enough?? Will this bend or break? Is this risk as calculated as I think it is? What if....?

I have to believe that I heard His voice. I have to believe that He will reward me. I have to believe that it is all about Him and He will follow through and He will be glorified in and through it all!

I just have to believe.

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